Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Why I Applied to Become President

Over the past few weeks I have met numerous individuals who expressed their disappointment that the Board of Regents chose to reopen the position for president of Northern Marianas College. I have decided to reapply for the position and in the spirit of “transparency” will waive my right to privacy and share my thoughts, feelings, and concerns as NMC is poised to deal with some of the greatest challenges it has ever faced.

The state of the College is not dissimilar to the current state of the CNMI. It is in a turnaround situation that requires reviewing current assets and programs, recognizing and developing the many available opportunities, taking decisive action, and providing solid leadership that encourages all stakeholders to work together toward the common good of the College and community.

The following comes from the cover letter that accompanied my first and second application packet for President of Northern Marianas College. It expresses why I applied for the position and what I plan to accomplish.

I am applying for the position of President because I want to inspire positive change that will transform Northern Marianas College into an internationally recognized institution offering quality courses, programs, and degrees. My decision to apply for this position is solely motivated by my concern and love for the Commonwealth and the College, particularly the students, staff and faculty that I have served with over the last 13 years.

I want to see NMC move forward by: first, developing a solid team of trained individuals who take the initiative to achieve our mission; second, improving our financial position so we have the resources to accomplish our mission; and third, establishing clearly articulated goals that fully realize the vision and mission of the College.

NMC is charged with developing the future leaders of the Commonwealth, and in order to effectively accomplish that goal, the College must demonstrate the qualities and principles of leadership itself and become the LEADER and example for the rest of the community. It will take more than hiring just one person to take the lead at the College; it will take a president who will develop the personnel into self-directed leaders who work effectively to realize the potential that NMC has to offer to its students and the entire community.

I have turned around difficult situations and brought stability at the College and in the private sector on a number of occasions. Within one year after moving to Saipan, I was elected as the Faculty Senate President and invited to Executive Council meetings, where I gained valuable insights working alongside President Agnes M. McPhetres and other top management at NMC. During the tumultuous NMC oversight hearings in 1999, I worked closely with the Board and President to help stabilize the College, and was instrumental in bringing the faculty together to support the President during this difficult time.

When the NMC Small Business Development Center was at risk of being taken away from the College, I was asked by the NMC President to apply for the director’s position and help turn things around. As the SBDC Director, I worked closely with the staff to create its first Strategic Plan and presented it to the Board for approval. I worked closely with President Agnes M. McPhetres, Board Chair Justice Ramon Villagomez, and CNMI Senators and Representatives to successfully maintain the SBDC at the College.

In the private sector, I have worked with hundreds of large and small businesses to turn their organizations around by developing internal systems to improve operations, creating strategic plans to increase their market share and revenue, and heading up major promotions and projects. In addition, I have over 450 published articles covering business, personal development and community issues. I have served in numerous leadership positions, taught leadership courses, and closely observed and learned from the leadership styles of every president of the College.

In the past few years, I have remained a business instructor at the College because I love teaching and it offers more job stability. There is an extremely high turnover among Deans and Presidents, with the average tenure lasting about two to three years before they resign, are not renewed, or terminated. This has not only created leadership instability, but it has eroded the institutional memory as new leaders are hired without adequate training in their respective roles. The net result is that NMC has made little progress in the past several years, beyond maintaining its accreditation.

NMC is facing some of the most difficult challenges it has ever experienced. However, I believe we can overcome our challenges and emerge even better and stronger. Because of my work in turning around organizations, my understanding of the community and culture, and my history and experience with the College, I believe I am the best candidate at this moment to meet and overcome the challenges we’re facing. The relationships I have developed within and outside the College will allow me to work closely with key individuals and groups to implement strategic initiatives that will help NMC to move ahead.

When people are working together in a spirit of harmony and their thoughts, desires, and actions are aligned toward a common vision, mission, and goals, it creates a powerful force and momentum to accomplish practically anything. I feel that it will take a leader who can bring out the individual best effort of everyone at the College to work closely together as a team to achieve greater success. Choosing the right leader is the key for NMC to realize its full potential and become an internationally recognized institution offering quality courses, programs and degrees.

I deeply care about the College, its personnel and students, and I believe NMC can continue to make a positive difference in the lives of everyone in the Commonwealth. If I am chosen to become the next President, I will commit to develop a unified team consisting of the Board, management, staff, faculty, students and the community, so that we can transform Northern Marianas College into the preferred community college in the Western Pacific.

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